Resume Gut Check
Get my most impactful feedback on your resume. With this service, you get:
Your resume sent back with suggested edits, comment bubbles, ideas, and food for thought.
A short recorded video (via Loom) of me sharing my thought process and rationale behind the suggestions I made in your doc.
Get my most impactful feedback on your resume. With this service, you get:
Your resume sent back with suggested edits, comment bubbles, ideas, and food for thought.
A short recorded video (via Loom) of me sharing my thought process and rationale behind the suggestions I made in your doc.
Get my most impactful feedback on your resume. With this service, you get:
Your resume sent back with suggested edits, comment bubbles, ideas, and food for thought.
A short recorded video (via Loom) of me sharing my thought process and rationale behind the suggestions I made in your doc.